Sunday 8 December 2019


Dillon Eagers Beta Stage


I feel That for someone who has been struggling with Unity throughout this course I have actually got a good bit done the last few weeks. I unfortunately do not have a playable character or a collectible/ pickup made however over the last two weeks I did manage to get the following things into my finished unity project.
  • Adding a rigid body, the plain to prevent items such as houses from falling through the map.
  • Adding terrain to the layout of the map
  •           Kinematic to prevent players from pushing the invisible wall I made to prevent players from getting through it and falling off the map.
  •           I added a skybox around my map in order to stop the players from accessing areas outside of the map when using the player/ or exploring the map.
  •       Using and manipulating boxes in order to form the shape of a house.
  •        Using the materials given in my assets folder to develop textures for the map such as brown for the mountain, green for the grass and cobblestone gray for the village roads.
  •       Adding multiple houses to the map with the manipulated boxes texture to make buildings for village aesthetic.
  •       Added a wall to separate the mountain side from the villages aesthetic/to make park section for the map.
(Note: I did wish to get a tree texture to add to the map for more aesthetic for the wilderness and was also hoping t add a lake and castle design to the park.)

What I am Finding Difficult
I was having an Issue with trying to build a lake in the park area of my map (I did try using the jimmy Vegas tutorials available however they were unfortunately a bit updated with the layout I was using for my game. I also had an issue with finding a reliable video for how to make a character for my game with animations and a video on how to make collectibles to pickup around the map (which were going to be the powerups for my game.

How I am meeting my targets Set in my plan

When making target plans I did the following things in order to meet them
  1. The first thing that I did was mark out goals per week through my blogs in order to look back through them and work from them
  2. The second thing I did was write the goals out for what I wanted to focus on in my game throughout the week (set weekly goals such as , acquiring textures and making a plain layout fr my map.
  3. The third thing I did was I did out sketches to help visualize how I wanted things to be made in my Unity game such as the map layout that can be seen below , or general Items I wished to make for the map like hoses made out of generic shapes( although they were edited in my final one from a pyramid roof to a re positioned square for the houses roof.
  4. The final piece to these methods were adding the following ideas int unity which proved pretty good overall.
I did however have an issue with time in the end and feel that I should have gotten a playable character for the player , as well as a pickup item for the characters power up in the game. I feel that when it came to planning out my game in my blogs there was issue, however when bringing it to screen through the Unity program that was were I began to struggle as I had to learn how to change certain aspects of my game in order to make the game from a technical standpoint. It did prove more challenging , as I could not download the unity program on my laptop as it was too big, so I had to stick with working with  it on the college macs which were a challenge in of itself to me as I only started using them for the first time last year.

I also would like to mention that by re watching the following Jimmy Vegas videos I :managed to get a lot done on my map in the end.

Video 1:  How to make a game for free 001- introduction- Unity Tutorial by Jimmy Vegas link here

Video 2: How to make a game for free 002-textures/materials- Unity Tutorial by Jimmy Vega link here

Video 3: How to make a game for free 003-C coding- Unity Tutorial by Jimmy Vegas link here

Video 4: How to make a game for free 004- Improved Graphics - Unity Tutorial by Jimmy Vegas link here



  1. Hello there Dillon, I have read through your game's beta and the beta itself is looking rather nice. I admire all the attention given to the layout of your level and how you wish to piece together your final game. I agree with what you had to say about the Jimmy Vegas tutorial on how to add water bodies like lakes as I myself spent a long time at it, only to create something that was probably not the games intentions. I read how you mentioned you created your own houses for the game, but I am wondering if you would be considering any of the building assets available to Unity? I assume its a bit of a late recommendation on my part, but Unity provides loads of building assets online that might save time building elements entirely from scratch, it might be worth it for any other planned game elements. Overall I like the look of your game at this point and can see it being promising.

  2. Hi Dillon,

    I'm impressed with your progress on your game since I know you've been struggling with it! Its slowly coming together and I'm sure it'll come to life with more time and some scripting. I've been having issues with Unity myself on my laptop but thankfully it does run so fair play on you for doing what you've done purely on college computers.

    Have you looked at free assets on the Unity assets store for your game? Since you're having trouble with Unity, it would be much quicker to download existing assets and simply plop them into the game than building them up from scratch. They might also fit the theme and aesthetic you're going for better and I think its worth having a browse through just to see.

    I would suggest for now following more of Jimmy Vegas tutorials and starting to implement mechanics into your game using script. Jimmy has lots of different series on his channel so it'll be relatively easy for you to find the tutorials you need.

    Best of luck,
