Sunday 29 September 2019

Time strategies Dillon Eagers

Time Strategies

image link:

For my time strategy I plan to download a free planner app on both my laptop and phone to remind me what I need to get done throughout each week so that I can plan what I want to do each particular day as well as fit it around my time schedule throughout the week. This will be extremely important for me to do due to me having to balance both college life/work with work life/work.

I also find having a written out time schedule also helps as it makes it easier for me to memorize the tasks I have to get done throughout the week as they are still fresh in my mind due to me writing each of them out in a notebook.

I like that this post reminded us not to let the moodle due dates determine  when we get our work done as i found from last year I did this a lot and was struggling to get certain assignments done in the end.

I am hopefully going to try and use the extra credit option also so that I can get my marks for this module quicker as well as be able to mainly focus on other large assignments later in the year for modules like group work and others.

Out of all the time strategy links I was give I found "Realistic Study Plans by Amanda Collins" to be the most helpful to me personally especially how she said at the start of each module follow four basic questions.
  • How much reading do I have to do?
  • How much reviewing do I have to do?
  • How many assessments are here?
  • How many tests are there?
I also liked how she mentioned ticking off your goals as a lot of people in my class forgot to last year and ended up repeating the same thing again when it was unnecessary. I am currently thinking of a place in my house to place my daily planner so that i wont miss it every morning somewhere i will definitely notice it.

Based off my classes from last semester I found the biggest challenge was honestly time management as so much was pile on us each week which I and many other of my fellow classmates found overwhelming and stressful to keep up with. Especially with us all only starting college and not being use to the way assignments and tasks were given out.

Overall I feel I have a good understanding of what I need to do to stay organized this year and with how i was from first to second semester i feel I kind of made up a routine that is working for me, although more little things are needed to be at least tried to see if they work.

Saturday 28 September 2019

Technology Blog by Dillon Eagers


Image link:

I am writing this blog to discuss the tools I will be using during this module and how I will be using them throughout the module for this year. I personally have never used any of these tools in the past as far as i know but feel I will be able to figure out how to use them as I go along with this module throughout the year .This includes the following tools.
  • Blogging: Which involves everyone in the class blogging throughout the year  themselves as well as interacting with each others blogs I like this as it allows me to get to know my classmates a lot more throughout the year.
  • Image editing: would be the only program in this module i have experience in due to resizing and cropping images through programs on macs for my web development website, photography and image manipulation.
  • Graphic Creations: This is the one tool I am the most excited to start using as I loved design Process last semester and love the idea of learning how to make my own graphics from sites such as Canva (which I have already used) and from two other programs I have not used yet called cheezburger and automodivator.
  • Other programs we will be using will apparently be Padlet which allows the user to create bulletin boards that can be used to display any information on any topic. Unity 3D which we will be using to create 3D  games and mobile and desktop applications . This is the one I am most nervous about due to it being the main part of our major assignment in this module when it come s to making a game , as well as it being used again potentially in future years of this module . The final program we are using is Word press , which from what I read is connected to the Unity program in some sort of way  I assume it is a way of visually enhancing the site.
  • Besides these tools the only other thing I will be focusing on is the  class announcements from the class anouncement blog Shaun created and linked on Moodle. The Class Wiki as it has  all of the content managed , as well as it is both easy to access and has the class calendar bookmarked on it in case i get lost with assignments throughout the year  and can find a way to backtrack them. Besides them the only other program is google docs which I have already used and love from first year as it is easy to access through my google attempt and it auto saves my work as I go along unlike many other programs like work so I do not have to worry about saving every time I leave something on Google Docs.
Overall from what I read about these programs in both the brief and from googling them I feel  I have an overall good understanding why we are using these programs and what to expect in the coming months . Besides being nervous about starting Unity 3D i feel the rest I should be able to get use to a lot quicker. I also feel writing this out in blog form one by one made it easier for me to understand what we are doing mainly because I could reword certain things in a way I personally would find easier to understand. 

Friday 27 September 2019

"assignments" my thoughts

My Thoughts On Assignments

So after reading the brief titled "Week 02 more about the class assignments" I honestly feel more confident about certain assignments throughout the year, this is due to it being easier to understand them as each  core assignment has its own heading and description of what we are to expect. In the image these headings include the following,

  • Reading (reading and writing academically about lecture content  each week to help revise and keep ourselves up to date) 
  • Unity 3D (class tutorials allowing us to learn off the basics of the Unity 3D program)
  • Blog comments ( Reading and leaving comments on my fellow students work ,as well as hearing their feedback on mine and getting to know each other better.)
  • Project work ( Project work which is my main concern as I am still not sure what to expect from it but I do feel optimistic as week 3 and 4 will be when we start brainstorming our assignment as well as doing some group work in the process.)
  • Project feedback ( I feel confident about project feedback as i feel being assessed will allow me to keep up to date and hopefully see my project work from a different persons perspective which could even inspire me on ways to improve my original idea. )

I also love the idea of doing the extra credit as last year halfway through both semester one and two workloads got piled on me left, right and centre  which made it difficult to stay up to date with my classwork in many modules, however I do like the idea  that I can do the extra credit to get my marks up quicker and potentially finish up early so that I can work on other major assignments from other modules.

Overall I feel a mix of fear and optimism about this module for the time being, but as well I feel this is due to me only starting this module after a long summer break but as the planning goes in the coming weeks ahead I feel good about the things to come.

“Introduction” About me

About me

When I was told i needed to write a blog about myself I was wondering how to start this. I suppose the best way us to start is with introducing myself .My name is Dillon Eagers i am a  23 years old  guy from Dublin, studying Creative Digital Media in my second year at Technology University Dublin in Blanchartstown. I fell love the course from last year  with things such as Design process  as it allowed me to learn about patterns and shapes which allowed me to make some amazing illustrations. I also loved learning how to use twine as it allowed me to make an interactive game story based off 80's horror comics in which i used images of fellow classmates to potray the characters in the game..

My favorite hobby are movies , as i love discussing movie theory with others and learning little things about movie that no one else would know. It even inspired me to start  a film society this year in college with someone I have known since last year to discuss film theory and learn film techniques in the future that i could use to possibly benefit me in the filming aspect of the course. There is the image of us with the poster I drew below.

I do also like going to the gym twice a week ,as well as trying to cook new things at home. My favorite thing to cook is spaghetti as i love making the sauce and trying new sauces. My favorite food overall is pepperoni pizza on my cheat day.  One fun thing I love to do in my free time is scout town for interesting spots for filming and photography. My dream role at the moment would be to find a job in the logo design industry preferably for a well known firm. 

Id say the most exciting thing I did in the last week was going into town to the National Gallery to get inspiration for culture night  I ended up getting drawn to the Bauhaus section and its sketches and illustrations. I just loved the varieties that were offered in the end. 

I started reading was "IT" by Stephen king as he is my favorite writer  and I recently have a new series I got into on Netflix called "Mindhunter" as I love criminology and learning about the dark side of the human mind on what makes a person act in ways that would be considered hanious to most people.

That is about all I have to say in this "self blog" I hope you guys enjoyed reading my blog and  I am looking forward to hearing back from you guys and getting some feedback on how my content on these blogs are going.

Thursday 26 September 2019

growth mindset by Dillon Eagers

My thoughts on  Carol Dweck "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone"

In my opinion Carol Dwecks video on "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone" made sense . I personally had never heard of her until writing this up after watching her video but she made some very valid point about  how she said we are not learning as much as we could if were being  constantly praised for their work even when their efforts are lacking . The part I do believe mainly was how she was going on about punishing mistakes because in the real world you cant rely on someone to always agree with you for everything you decide to do everything from coding someones website to designing a piece for someone to honestly any work in general. A quote that best describes it is a quote by actor Tom Hanks which was "If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. Its the hard that makes it great ". And at least to me this is very through such as how for example not everyone is fit for college or working retail or being creative. I ts honestly the challenge that drives us to succeed in what we are doing and If you manage to complete it after working hard you not only learn a new thing ,but also feel more appreciative about  how you earned that grade in the first place.

The reason I could personally relate to this post was because I learned while getting through first year how important preparation, communication and understanding is ,as  at first I found getting into this routine was pointless as it was first year and I was only starting, However I learned at the end of the year when receiving my gradings and looking back over my previous assignments and labs how important these factors were in not only keeping up to speed with college work ,but also with allowing me to make my life a lot easier outside of college also giving me more time to enjoy myself.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Workshop 01 Review

Week 2 workshop

For our workshop for week 2 we were tasked with completing a traffic light exercise where we would write out our own flowchart from the sample one we were given and in which we took part in during our first class of the year.

At first both me and my group were very confused on how we were meant to present this, however we did end up doing our own flowchart after using the sample flowchart for a visual example as i feel both me and my group were and still are trying to get back into focus mode after enjoying our free time  during the summer.

I loved how this semester is more group orientated as i feel progressing in any job sector this day and age requires this skill as it teaches understanding, patience, marking out what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses and probably the biggest thing improving my communication skills with people around me for future assignments and potentially future job ventures.

I found it quite strange trying to do flowcharts after not doing them for months  on end. I honestly felt quite challenging to me. I do like the idea of writing out our opinions on each assignment and lab for this module as it not only allows me to look back and see how I have improved but it also allows me to see other peoples classmates opinions on things to help me understand no matter what in the end were all in the same boat.

If i had to give my overall opinion on this I am actually optimistic especially because unlike other modules we can actually plan our study plans ahead .unlike first year when all the modules seemed to pile up on us like a cave from an Indiana Jones movie.

Doodle of intersection 
Source:group partner (Used with consent)

Tuesday 24 September 2019

favorite game

Tales of the borderlands by telltales

The game i chose to present is tales from the borderlands by telltale games because i love how you play as two characters that are opposites that are paired together for a common goal and i also love how how he games potrays itself in a comic style format as well as how your choices affect the game.

Dillon Eagers Blog prep Week 1

Blog Preparation Week 1

Hey guys so I am just writing to let you all know i am getting my Blogs up and running for the coming weeks. So far so good i am optimistic Looks like ill have to just go with the flow and keeping up with everything as it goes along throughout the year. I am happy I have my schedule for study time sorted this week it will hopefully be easier to spread out my workload in the long run. That is about all I have to say for now Ill keep you guys updated and am looking forward to checking out your blogs as well in the future.