Thursday 27 February 2020

Unity Tutorial 05

My week 5 in Unity

Link to image: here

For this weeks Unity tutorial (week 5) . I was tasked with doing four exercises in total from the official Unity site and involved the following things.
  1. lesson 2.4 collision/ decision
  2. Challenge 2& Quiz Play Fetch
  3. Unit 3- using Unity to develop VR Experiences
  4. Locomotion & Ergonomics

Unfortunately when doing the first lesson of these the Collision and Decision I ran into an issue which was at first when I was trying to spawn my animals they did not seem to appear. But when I closed the unity program and then opened it again it seemed to somehow fix whatever bug I was having with it at the time so I must have just gotten lucky as it was nothing to do with the code being miss typed . Besides that from following the tutorial that was presented  on the unity site it went fairly smooth as I am finding it a lot easier to follow these tutorials from the official unity site than the outdated youtube videos from jimmy Vegas that I recently had to attempt to get through.

The guide I followed for lesson 2.4 collision/decision
  • Watching the introduction video
  • Making a new method to spawn the animals in spawnmanager.cs
  • spawning the animals at different timed intervals
  • Adding a colider then triggering the components
  • destroying an object using  a DetectCollisions.cs script then pacing destroy game object before testing
  • Triggering a game over message to activate in the coding
  • recapping to make sure I followed all the steps

"Screenshot I took of trying to get the fetch exercise working"

For the Challenge 2- play fetch exercise there was only 1 main issue which was getting the  ball to destroy when getting near the dog. Thankfully the hint indicating to check out the box colider on the prefab helped me figure it out which I screen shotted below. I did also have an issue with getting the ball to fall from the top of the screen but it was easily resolved when I reread the tutorial part.

For unit 3 which was creating VR experiences I had no problems in creating . as there was only 5 basic steps to follow before submitting the piece .Although it did take me over the one hour and thirty minutes to complete as it was a bit of a nightmare getting use to the layout of the settings on the unity .Particularly in finding the XR Settings. I also forgot to disable the Dash Support which resulted in me having t reread each of the steps step by step to figure it out taking me over the time it should have taken me.

For the final exercise Locomotion and Ergonomics  I unfortunately could not complete it as I got stuck on the section about teleportation. I did follow the guide step by step and watched the tutorial but as still finding it hard to understand. I also feel with the final prep towards my other assignments I fell a bit behind in this section for this week , even though I still managed to watch all the videos and went through all the sections I did not complete this tutorial past the section with the teleportation as the four parts after that consisted of  finding ways to implement them.

Overall I feel I got a lot done this week besides not being able to finish  the Unit 4 Locomotion and Ergonomics here. I do think however as I go on I need to simplify these write ups more and try to condense it down so I dont ramble on about certain parts and to make it easier when rereading them myself.

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