Thursday 13 February 2020

Unity week 3

B00121743 Dillon's Unity Blog :week 3

Image of my Unity tutorial :week 3

 For week threes unity it is a continuation of the unity tutorial  this included the following things.

The first of which was finding a way to allow the vehicle to move left and right instead of just forward like it previously did in the last blog. This involved adding more code to the c script, implementing the camera and objects in the world and making sure there is no faults in the code or assets.

By the end of that tutorial I managed to have the car in the unity moving both left and right . for the second part of this week's tutorial which put my skills from the previous tutorial to the test for a provided challenge/quiz. I was given assets of a plane flying backwards at a fast speed like in reverse. We had no control over it . What we had to do was slow down the plane, make it fly forward instead of backward and gaining control of its flight overall. It also included fixing the camera.

I found it quite difficult getting use to unity again, but also feel optimistic as I am finding the unity tutorials from the unity site itself more helpful from the  previous johnny Vegas tutorials I tried working through in semester one.

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