Thursday 26 September 2019

growth mindset by Dillon Eagers

My thoughts on  Carol Dweck "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone"

In my opinion Carol Dwecks video on "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone" made sense . I personally had never heard of her until writing this up after watching her video but she made some very valid point about  how she said we are not learning as much as we could if were being  constantly praised for their work even when their efforts are lacking . The part I do believe mainly was how she was going on about punishing mistakes because in the real world you cant rely on someone to always agree with you for everything you decide to do everything from coding someones website to designing a piece for someone to honestly any work in general. A quote that best describes it is a quote by actor Tom Hanks which was "If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. Its the hard that makes it great ". And at least to me this is very through such as how for example not everyone is fit for college or working retail or being creative. I ts honestly the challenge that drives us to succeed in what we are doing and If you manage to complete it after working hard you not only learn a new thing ,but also feel more appreciative about  how you earned that grade in the first place.

The reason I could personally relate to this post was because I learned while getting through first year how important preparation, communication and understanding is ,as  at first I found getting into this routine was pointless as it was first year and I was only starting, However I learned at the end of the year when receiving my gradings and looking back over my previous assignments and labs how important these factors were in not only keeping up to speed with college work ,but also with allowing me to make my life a lot easier outside of college also giving me more time to enjoy myself.

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