Saturday 9 November 2019


Link to image: here
Progress and Difficulties
One thing I have been feeling I have been successful in doing fro the progression of my assignment is keeping up to date on my blogs each week ,as well as keeping up to date on my blog comments on fellow game developers/creators who also seem to be struggling with unity as much as I am. I feel this has been quite beneficial as not only have I seen that I am not the only person struggling with these issues but I am also getting good advice on things I can improve in my game in the future such as possibly adding abilities and  or powers for the players to unlock and  also the possibility of playing as both the protagonists( the cops) and the antagonist (the swan adding) a whole new factor to the game of being either good or bad and overall affecting the players choices in the game.

Below are other things I have started considering on my game which to me shows how much I am progressing overall
  • Game decisions Choices 
  • Story
  • Characters
  • Levels
  • Art style/design
  • Controls/User interface
  • Sound/audio
  • Gameplay
  • Game genre I wish to pursue
However in exploring these topics there have also been challenges/difficulties I have found along the way. One of which is trying to figure out how to use unity for making things for my game such as hills ,objects , textures,etc. I am finding this to be the most difficult , as i need this in order to make my game overall and it is the key reason I am struggling to not only upload weekly blogs on my unity tutorials by Jimmy Vegas but also in adding images of my prototype of this game I wish to make.

How I am setting the targets set in my plan
Overall I feel when I came to planning and designing my game I made some good progress, however I do feel I need a lot more work on things such as making the game itself in the unity program ,as well as prepping ahead and doing my stuff on the Monday so that I not only am sure I have everything submitted ahead of time incase i need to make changes ,but will also have time to work on other assignments for other modules as at the moment I feel everything is a bit overwhelming. I do feel in the end if I can get a handle on these two issues i should have no problem in the future aspect of this assignment and hopefully be able to make an enjoyable game for the user in the long run.


  1. Hi Dillon,

    Well done on the progress so far! It really sounds like you have a clear plan of action for your game. I'm excited to see how it turns out, as I think the premise of it is fantastic - a bit of an homage to the Untitled Goose Game, but has a life and soul of it's own to keep it unique.

    I'm wondering, have you considered looking through Unity's asset store for 'low-poly' assets? There are a lot of free options that really help with the design of a game. I think that low poly style assets would suit the art direction your going for, and it could save a lot of headaches trying to figure out how to achieve a certain look in the timeframe you have.

    I know you have been testing out Unity already, but just make sure that you start trying to build your game as soon as possible. You have a great action plan, but going by my own experience, I did not budget enough time to the actual in-Unity designing. Things that I thought would be easy took me more time than I thought - such as creating terrains, which I had done before. Be sure to leave time for setbacks.

    Fair play on the progress! Keep it up.

    - Ultan

  2. Hey Dillon,

    Reading about how other people are struggling with Unity has definitely helped me feel better about the things I struggle with in Unity and it builds a sense of camaraderie between us all. I think that giving your character powers could be interesting but I think that allowing the player to play the game from both the protagonists and antagonists point of view would take your game to another level of fun. Getting stuff for your blog done on Monday when we have the day off is a very good idea because it means that you can get slightly ahead on the posts and it leaves you a bit more time to work on other stuff.

    -Casper :)
