Thursday 14 November 2019

Unity: thoughts and progress on Unity free tutorials

Unity Lab week 8

Link to image: here

For my task this week on Unity I was tasked with finding two to four Unity tutorials to follow. I found this beneficial , as it gave me time to consider the following things I want for my game.
  • How to make a countryside terrain for my game to take place.
  • How to build a country Village environment,
  • What will I use to create my police officers.
  • How to create village buildings and structures.
  • How to create swan in unity 
  • How to add additional props to bring village to life (npcs, cars, streetlights etc)
The first video I decided to re-watch was how to Create terrain and environment items such as lakes, grass, trees and mountains, as well as adding objects such as shapes to make village buildings. I have linked the videos below  this video gave me a better understanding of how i will acquire the countryside village texture I will need for my game. I have linked the videos below

 Link to "How to make a game for free 002- textures,materials - unity tutorial by Jimmy Vegas" link to video : here  Textures, grass etc

Link to" How to make a game for free 003- Coding unity tutorial by Jimmy Vegas" link to video : here "features in out terrain such as grass and trees etc

Although Jimmy Vegas had some handy tips for my game I personally found his tutorials to be a little outdated as it is with one of the old editions of Unity. I did however also find other videos to help me with other things I wished to research on how to improve and start creating my game in the Unity engine. These links include the following

I also found this video describing how to make roads using a downloadable asset pack on unity  the video was titled "creating a road in Unity 3D for beginners : Unity Tutorial" by Game Dev Plus : Link here

The final group of videos I found which I found interesting was a video on how to make a unity character from scratch. I found this beneficial as it allowed me to find a way to possibly make the two police officers and the swan in which they need to catch. 

The first of  Aaron Hibberd's videos is called "Unity character from scratch part 1". This video shows the youtuber making the character from shapes. He has a total of seven videos, but i chose to focus on watching the first five each is linked below with a description of what the video focused on for the characters design and mechanics.

Part 1: making unity character using basic spheres and cubes. here
Part 2: Adding materials, lighting and background color here
Part 3: Adding basic walking and idle animation here
Part 4: triggering the walk animation with code and some minor physics here
part 5: Adding jump and moving left and right here

I feel I found some realistic aspects to add when making my game but do want to make some stuff following these tutorials to get more experience in using the unity 3D program. Overall I did find watching these videos helpful and felt good exploring other channels showing how to make things on unity that i can actually implement into my game, instead of just focusing on watch mainly Jimmy Vegas tutorials ,which are helpful at times but can be a bit much at times.I am looking forward to getting the development going hopefully in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dillon,

    It's a great feeling when you find some tutorials that point you in the direction of where you want to go, rather than just following what someone else is doing just to try and learn the basics. I got to my wits end with Jimmy Vegas' tutorials too. Even though they're helpful, it just wasn't the style I was going for.

    Hope you keep finding what you need to make a great game!

    - Ultan
