Saturday 5 October 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Feedback Thoughts by Dillon Eagers
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For this Blog I read two articles one on hearing feedback and the other on how a fixed mindset could be holding you back  I have left links to them two articles below I you guys would be interested in reading them.

Blog 1: "Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback" by the New York Times.

I found this article to be both educational and relate able , as I never noticed  how in the past from me blocking out criticism of others.It has prevented me from potentially gaining more opportunities. From  hearing peoples genuine feedback no matter how harsh It may be and learning from it on how to overcome this obstacle and potentially improve on an original Idea or project. One line from the article that really spoke to me was "actively seek out that feedback so you associate it not with anxiety, but with opportunity. Because overall at least in my opinion yes there will always be someone who will not agree with your point, your idea or even your project. But it is up to you as an individual to decide do I see this as genuinely helpful feedback and or someone with harsh comments and  how can I as an individual process this and decide on my next course of action. This article really did make me more aware of not to be as offended by negative feedback because not all negative feedback is a bad thing most negative feedback can be quite useful and effective in things such as the design process.

Blog 2:"Why Rejection hurts so much " by

What I love about this article is that it highlights that we should not assume this rejection is personal and are normally due to circumstance. I also like how it characterise That when we are being critical of ourselves  we should not be self critical thinking things like  "I'm such a loser" as this can lead to many other bad things such as depression and anxiety.  What I mainly gathered from this post is to learning how to limit the psychological damage rejection gives you and  learning how to rebuild your self esteem in the process as it can help you tackle challenges in work life and in social life making you a more confident, adaptive and healthy person in the process.

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